Timothy Wijaya
About Me →
Always been a huge fan of Basketball, originally more so as a player but once I realized I was not very good, I had to have perfect posture to hit the 6ft mark, and my ACL decided to take away my only skill by getting torn by a puddle I got more into it as a fan, and then after a timeskip where I was taking business administration in College and had absolutely no interest whatsoever in 99% of jobs, I realized right when I got into my Masters (Progressive Degree Program so was still doing Undergrad), I realized that Basketball Analytics wasn’t just a tool for online discussion when I got into my Masters, and been doing a bunch of things for that since. Did a few projects in college that I put in below for classes,they haven’t been updated in awhile so they’re unrefined and have had some bugs since I last looked at them, some people think they’re cool though so I will update them
Just finished my Master’s in USC Business analytics, also went to Sports Business Classroom in 2024 and that was SUPER cool! I this site a long time ago solely so I had a website to refer to when I was applying to the Sparks Internship I’m Currently in, it was the typical professional profile type of intro but it didn’t really feel like me so im rewriting it and being a bit more candid, but this is still kind of an about me section from a professional point of view
I had the pleasure of being in an internship with the Philippines Womens basketball team during one of their international tournament runs, that was very cool, did a few video breakdowns and stat breakdowns for their coaching staff, it was remote and most of it was doing video, scouts on own players, showing box scores, things like that.
Currently I’m in a Sparks internship, and I its really fun and I really love it, it’s much more formal and therefore I can’t talk about the specifics as much, but its been really cool and I’m having a great time, the WNBA season is going to end soon and hopefully I can get a return offer but its truly been a wonderful experience and learning on the job and improving as a professional as time has gone on has been a great experience.
Personally its made me feel that I could like working in the WNBA more than the NBA right now, just the idea of working in a growing industry and almost being a part of that “leading the charge” data wise sounds really cool. The Vegas Summer Sessions were really amazing, I’ve always felt my “value add” was trying to combine Data/Xs and Os/Film in a way and I still do feel that the unique value I can provide there is probably something to hang my hat on, but it showed me there was alot to learn on the scouting/Xs and Os side (Not to say I was out of my depth or anything but everyone was really smart!), and I came out more confident in myself on the analytics side too. I want to still look into that combination of Xs and Os, Data, and Film, but I also want to kind of do some more cool data projects too
Also Elephant in the room incase an employer is reading this, yes im international and need sponsorship but I’d gladly take a lower Salary for now to make up for it, especially in LA or San Fransisco where I wouldn’t have to pay for housing .
Not 100% sure what this blog is going to be, I just remembered it when thinking of how to make a post for my new metric (or a first draft of it anyway)..
Below are some of the R visualization stuff and video stuff I did when I was younger (like a year and a half ago?) , a lot of this stuff I barely knew how to code, but I think its nice to have it here even if they’re unpolished. I’ve made dashboards since but for my internship so those are private. The two data tables at the top aren’t visualizations, but are just data tables I made for some recent projects I did

RShiny Data Visualizations and Tables
Impact on teammate efficiency visualization tool (Not Updated)
A tool designed to assess a player's impact on teammates' efficiencies. This RShiny dashboard provides an easy to understand graph by revealing teammates' true shooting percentages (free throw adjusted) both when specific user inputted player is on and off the court. Users also have the ability to compare a player’s impact on his teammates efficiencies overall to other players in the season they selected, up to 10. Data up from 2014-2022.
(WIP) Team stats Ranking Tool
An Rshiny visualization dashboard designed for users to easily visualize team performance across various the league in a chosen statistical categories, shown in an interpretable , easy to understand scatterplot format. (WIP, functionality works but unpolished, and need to expand years beyond 2020-23)
(WIP) Team Possession Ending Def RTG Tool
An Rshiny visualization dashboard, that allows users to see defensive ratings following specific offensive possessions, such as a teams defensive rtg after possessions ending in turnovers, possessions ending in missed shots, as well as comparisons to the league average. This allows users to see if their team is disproportionally good or bad in specific situations, both in comparison to themselves and the rest of the league (WIP, functionally works but unpolished, need to expand years beyond 2022 and 2023, and take out tab that has the team stats ranking tool)
Specific Player misses, Offensive Rebounding Breakdown Filterable Data Table
A organizable data table that shows how often specific player’s shots are rebounded compared to his teammates shots, and how the team is at converting off of his misses compared to other players, and POE in those situations (more in depth explanation in the table
MAMBA Data Table
Data table of the All in one metric I made, write up available in the header bar at the top of this page, that in preliminary retrodiction testing outperformed both EPM and LEBRON
2022-23 USC P & R analytics and film breakdown mini-series
I Conducted an extensive analysis of USC basketball's Pick and Roll offense, focusing on the last 20 games of the 2022-23 season. Specifically, I did in depth analysis and did film breakdowns of three prominent pick-and-roll set series they ran: double drag sets, stack sets, and pick and rolls beginning with Miami action. This mini video series first tries explain what these sets are, how USC ran these sets, as well as identifying key issues they faced, and the magnitude of these issues. Finally, it provides data-driven schematic recommendations to solve these issues, as well refining and optimizing USC's offensive approach in these sets. < This is what I originally wrote. Change the name stack to spain because spain sounds cooler. I’ve changed my stance in the sense that I do feel that I oversimplified some things here, but it still was relevant I think. I Got on some podcasts for this :D

Throughout the latter half of their 2022-23 campaign, I helped out the Phillipines National Women’s basketball team, as an analytics coordinator for the Filipino Women's National Team. In this capacity, I tracked and analyzed data, providing coaches with data driven strategic insights and recommendations.
Supplementing this, I also was a film coordinator for the team, helping compile and organizing game footage to support both my findings and certain coaching decisions or fulfill coaching requests. This dual role allowed me to seamlessly blend analytics, strategy, and film coordination, contributing to the team's success through a comprehensive, data-driven approach. < Keeping this how it is it sounds cool

BBAL INDEX Lakers Post Offense Article (Assisted with)
I assisted in data tracking and analysis with the founder of Bball Index, which was used in an article he published on his website. The data had to do, with evaluating the Lakers post offense while the 2020-2021 season was ongoing, and evaluating efficiency and shot quality depending on what kind of help defense defenses were running and how the offense would respond to this help defense schematically. He created a user friendly dashboard from this data as well. This experience really furthered my appreciation of the schematic aspects of basketball and how data can enhance it or provide more insights strategically even in the aspect of Xs and Os < What I originally wrote, first thing I ever did actually even though of course Tim did do most of it because I was very inexperienced at the time and was doing it by watching full replays vs having a tool to go through specific situations like I do now. I do think that some things are a bit more complicated in a practical sense than how its presented, but it was still a cool thing to do
Defending Jokic in the Post
This is one I did more recently, actually very proud of this one and also I stayed up 36 hours straight trying to get this before the series happened because I wanted the Lakers to win desperately. I think the points honestly stood, more apparent in a wolves series with a thousand 7 footers but I stand by what I said in this video pretty much, but if MPJ literally cant miss and Jamal decides to turn the shot sliders up to 100 whenever the clock hits 0 then its just rough out here. Showed this to a few people in Vegas too!